Offshore Industry News

McLane Research Announces New Deep Option for Seawater Samplers

McLane Research Laboratories, Inc. announces a new a 7,000m (23,000ft) deep option for WTS-LV samplers. The WTS-LV Deep option is available on the Standard, Dual Filter, and High Capacity WTS-LV models. Existing WTS-LV systems can also be retrofitted with the new deep housing option.

“The WTS-LV Deep option provides 35% greater depth capacity and has been a customer-requested enhancement for some time,” says McLane General Manager Jon Mogul. “Marine biologists, chemists, and geologists can use the WTS-LV Deep to pump up to 45,000L of seawater and collect suspended particles from previously unattainable depths.”

WTS-LV pumps with new 7,000m deep housings were deployed as the deepest two pumps on every cast during the recent U.S. GEOTRACES cruise GP15. WTS-LV samplers with dual Vertical Intake filter holders are specified by the GEOTRACES program, a global effort to better understand the world’s oceans through their trace elements. Cruise GP15 was the first meridional section of GEOTRACES through the Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Tahiti.

WTS-LV samplers collect a single water sample onto 142mm filter media. The Dual Filter model features separately metered, modular 142mm vertical intake filter holders for parallel filtration. In addition to the new Deep feature, other options for this single event sampler include 4L/min, 8L/min or 30L/min pump heads, 3-tier filter holder for an additional level of pre-filtering, 293mm filter holder, cartridge filter holder, or vertical intake filter holder.

McLane Research Laboratories manufactures time-series in situ oceanographic instrumentation for scientific deployments in the open ocean, and freshwater environments. Three main oceanographic product lines are available: profilers, samplers and flotation.

McLane instruments have been deployed worldwide in some of the most remote oceans on earth. Products are delivered worldwide both directly and through international sales representatives.

Learn more about the WTS-LV and other McLane instruments here.

Source: McLane


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