Offshore Industry News

Marine Innovations Conference Features Ocean News and Technology Editor

Rhonda Moniz, editor of ECO’s sister publication, Ocean News & Technology (ON&T) is a notable participant in the upcoming Marine Innovations Conference.

ONT Logo 2017 new blueThe Maritime Innovations Conference is the premier event in New England for connecting the marine technology industry for education, networking, and facilitating partnering opportunities.

The theme for this year’s conference is autonomy, with cybersecurity and communication as sub-themes. This year’s event, held in conjunction with the Marine Technology Society’s (MTS) and the Marine & Oceanographic Technology Network (MOTN) Tech Surge, is scheduled for November 28th and 29th at the UMass Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 151, Martine Street, Fall River MA.

DAY 1 - MOTN / MTS Tech Surge: Subsea and Marine Autonomy - Tuesday, November 28, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM (EST)

Day 1 sessions will include representatives from the academic, commercial, and military sectors focusing on subsea and marine autonomy. The speakers and panel sessions will focus on the present technologies available including networking, hardware, software, and swarming techniques. Networking of unmanned vehicles includes communication, maneuvering, onboard processing and operational complexity, all components that are essential in such networks. This event will encompass a multi-faceted discussion in autonomous platforms, applications, and technologies.

DAY 2 - CIE Maritime Innovations - Wednesday, November 29, 2017 from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM EST

The Maritime Innovations Conference connects, trains and advances awareness of the latest maritime technologies. This event will bring together leading edge marine technology companies for a day of programming aimed at providing an overview of current trends in the industry, and a showcase of startup companies discussing their newest technologies.

This event is sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth's CIE and is part of its mission to connect the university with industry, organizations, state and federal agencies, and other key stakeholders in order to grow the region's maritime-based economy.

Notable Panelists / Keynote Speakers for the 2-day event:

  • Dr. James Bellingham, Director, Center for Marine Robotics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Dr. Steve Lohrenz, Dean of the UMass Dartmouth's School for Marine Science & Technology (SMAST)
  • Dr. Marlon Lewis, Professor Emeritus and Scientific Director of the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University
  • Robert Anderson, Founder of L3 Ocean Server
  • Jim Hanlon, Executive Director of the COVE
  • Rhonda Moniz, Editor, Ocean News & Technology Magazine. President of Marine & Oceanographic Technology Network

Event Info & how to participate:
Event Schedule and Speakers
Sponsorship Levels

CIE will provide eight maritime technology companies the opportunity to present a 5-minute “elevator” speech about their products or services at this event. Please apply here.

For questions about this event, please contact Tobias Stapleton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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