
Job alert: Multiple Vacancies at the Marine Management Organisation (UK)

The UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are recruiting vacancies for Marine Enforcement, Investigations, Intelligence and Operations Officers. Deadline 10 October 2018.

The MMO enforcement activity is predominantly carried out by staff that are located in one of MMO’s 16 coastal offices. Their work seeks to ensure and promote compliance with the European Commission and national sea fisheries regulations, marine licensing and marine nature conservation legislation.

They co-ordinate programs for the monitoring, control, and surveillance of sea fishing activity, marine licensable activity, and marine conservation measures within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the coast of England and for UK vessels outside those waters.

The MMO primarily seek to educate and inform marine sectors to promote compliance with the various regulatory requirements. They also investigate and take appropriate enforcement action, including prosecution, when severe breaches of the regulations are identified.

Follow this link for more details.

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