
Nicola Sturgeon is Keynote Speaker at All-Energy 2018

First minister Nicola Sturgeon to deliver keynote address at All-Energy 2018.

Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP will be delivering a keynote address in the opening plenary conference session at All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference on Wednesday 2 May.

The 18th All-Energy, and the co-located Smart Urban Mobility Solutions (SUMS), will be held at the Glasgow Event Campus (SEC) on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 May, bringing together some 7,000 participants from home and overseas; up to 300 exhibiting companies; and a packed multi-stream conference and seminar programme with more than 400 speakers. As always, all elements of All-Energy (and SUMS) – the exhibition, the conference and the Giant Networking Evening - are free to attend for all with relevant professional/business interests. Online registration is open here.

“We are delighted to be welcoming Scotland’s First Minister back to the show on opening morning,” says All-Energy’s Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of organizers, Reed Exhibitions. “She made her first visit a year ago during the buildup to the UK General Election.

EMBED 1 AllEn17 Seminars 036“All-Energy is an event that buzzes with enthusiasm from exhibitors eager to do business and visitors just as eager to learn and to engage with exhibitors and conference speakers. We have a superb exhibitor list with a broad range of highly relevant exhibits, and a superb conference line-up. The First Minister’s presence will add to both the topicality and significance of the programme particularly now that Scotland has published both its Energy Strategy and Climate Change Plan.”

Other speakers in the opening day plenary session to be chaired by ScottishPower’s CEO, Keith Anderson are: Lord Provost Eva Bolander, Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow; Sinead Lynch, Chair, Shell UK; Councilor Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council; Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of Strathclyde; and Ian Miekle, Director-Infrastructure Systems, Innovate UK with Graham Oakes, CEO, Upside Energy.

The day 2 plenary session with its theme ‘Electric free for all - anarchy or ecstasy? - Will decentralized generation, digital disruption, decarburization of transport and customer choice bring benefit to the UK or our power system to its knees?’ will be chaired by Lindsay McQuade, CEO, ScottishPower Renewables with four panelists: Matthew Knight, Head of Business Development Power and Gas and Power Services, Siemens plc; Dustin Benton - Policy Director, Green Alliance; Charlotte Ramsay -Team Coordinator - FSO Programme, National Grid; Dr Tim Rotheray – Director, Association for Decentralized Energy; and Rt Hon Charles Hendry, Chair, Smart Power Industry Alliance.

After both days’ plenary session, the conference turns its attention to the four ‘pillars’ of the show – all forms of renewable generation, energy efficiency, low carbon heating and low carbon transport and associated topics such as energy systems, energy storage, carbon capture and storage (CCS), decarburization of industry (an introduction for 2018), sustainable and smart cities and much more. Additionally, there are sessions and programmes specifically aimed at key end-users including the farming community; local authorities; communities; and (another 2018 introduction via the medium of CPD – continuing professional development - talks) installers. A POWERful Women networking event will be another feature of Day 2.

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