
Ocean Fellowship: EPA Fellowship on Marine Pollution Prevention

A research opportunity is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Office of Water (OW), Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW).

The appointment will be served in the Oceans, Wetlands, and Communities Division (OWCD) in the Freshwater and Marine Regulatory Branch (FMRB) located in Washington, D.C.

Research Project

The specific project will vary based on candidate background; however, the focus of the research will support EPA’s marine pollution prevention efforts.

In the past, communities around the world used the ocean for waste disposal, including the disposal of chemical and industrial wastes, radioactive wastes, trash, munitions, sewage sludge, and contaminated dredged material. Little attention was given to the negative impacts of waste disposal on the marine environment. Even less attention was focused on opportunities to recycle or reuse such materials. Wastes were frequently dumped in coastal and ocean waters based on the assumption that marine waters had an unlimited capacity to mix and disperse wastes.

For 50 years, EPA’s Ocean Dumping Management Program has stopped many harmful materials from being ocean dumped, worked to limit ocean dumping generally, and worked to prevent adverse impacts to human health, the marine environment, and other legitimate uses of the ocean (e.g., navigation, fishing) from pollution caused by ocean dumping. EPA’s Freshwater and Marine Branch, in coordination with EPA’s seven coastal Regional Offices (Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10), administers the Ocean Dumping Management Program.

Learning Objectives

This project will provide excellent exposure to a broad range of scientific, technical, and policy issues pertaining to sources of marine pollution and the protection of the marine environment. Under the guidance of a mentor, the participant will gain an understanding of EPA’s marine pollution prevention programs and have an opportunity to develop research projects to support EPA’s role in working with international and federal agencies and state and local governments on ocean and coastal management and learn first-hand about the interaction between the various levels of government and the private sector on these issues. The participant’s research will focus on assisting with the development of national-level reports describing monitoring of ocean disposal sites, evaluating wastes and other materials that may be considered for dumping into the ocean (this may include data analysis and/or literature reviews), and assisting with the development of tools to support the national program.

Anticipated Appointment Start Date

February 2023. All start dates are flexible and vary depending on numerous factors. Click here for detailed information about start dates.

Participant Stipend

The participant will receive a monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience. The current yearly stipends for this opportunity are ~$61,947 (MS) and ~$74,950 (Ph.D.).

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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