
Opportunity: Apply to Sail to Greece

The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is currently accepting applications for Expedition 381 Corinth Active Rift Development aboard a Mission Specific Platform provided by the ECORD Science Operator.

Continental rifting is fundamental for the formation of ocean basins and hydrocarbon-bearing rifted margins, and active rift zones are dynamic regions of high geohazard potential. But much of what we know from the fault to plate scale is poorly constrained and is not resolved at any level of spatial or temporal detail over a complete rift system. Expedition 381 will drill within the active Corinth Rift, Greece, where deformation rates are high, the syn-rift succession is preserved and accessible, and a dense, seismic database provides a high resolution fault network and seismic stratigraphy for the recent rift history but with limited chronology. In the Gulf of Corinth, the expedition can achieve an unprecedented precision of timing and spatial complexity of rift-fault system development and rift-controlled drainage system evolution in the first 1-2 Myr of rift history. The proposal upon which this expedition is based was submitted as IODP Proposal #879 ‘Corinth Active Rift Development’. The full proposal describing the primary drill sites, as well as up-to-date expedition information, can be found on the Expedition 381 webpage.

The expedition is provisionally scheduled for a maximum of 60 days during October and November, 2017, with only a subset of the science party members participating. Subsequently, an Onshore Science Party will be held at the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany, in February 2018 (exact dates to be confirmed). All science party members must attend the entire duration of the onshore science party.

Opportunities exist for researchers (including graduate students) in all specialties. While other expertise may be considered, specialists in the following fields are required: paleontology, sedimentology, organic geochemistry, inorganic geochemistry, structural geology, paleomagnetics, physical properties, geophysics and petrophysics/downhole logging. For the offshore phase of the expedition, we are particularly looking for the following fields: paleontology, sedimentology, organic geochemistry, inorganic geochemistry, physical properties, and petrophysics/downhole logging.

U.S.-affiliated scientists interested in participating on this expedition should apply to sail through the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP); click here. The U.S. deadline to apply is 3 March 2017.

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