With Louisiana's 2017 Master Plan for Coastal Restoration and Protection soon to be in front of the Louisiana Legislature for approval, the America's WETLAND Foundation (AWF) today noted that a new Executive Order of the Trump Adminstration to streamline permitting for critical infrastructure will save Louisiana billions of dollars.
"The announcement yesterday by the Trump Administration citing a number of shovel ready infrastructure programs for federal funding signals a beginning of recognition that coastal energy pipeline and river infrastructure may be a part of the funding mix," said Val Marmilion, AWF managing director.
"A case can easily be made that funding for restoration of eroding wetlands in Louisiana has direct impact in protecting $100 billion of energy and navigation infrastructure critical to national security and economic stability."
"Some of the most critical infrastructure in the United States is located along our coast and, specifically, the Gulf Coast, and some of the most dramatic and rapid land loss is occurring in coastal Louisiana - vast wetland areas that protect the largest port system in the country and the crucial transportation routes for delivering goods and energy to the rest of the nation," Sidney Coffee, senior advisor to AWF, said.
"This is an ongoing emergency that directly effects every citizen of our country, and expedited measures to permit these restoration projects would be in order for immediate and urgent attention."
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