
From foraged food commonly associated with poverty, to a super crop that has investors waiting with bated breath, seaweed in the western world has...

“It was amazing when I first saw the deep-water habitat from some footage the crystal crab fishers had taken. It was like a moonscape, until a crab...

On July 25, 2021, a $2.6-million research vessel bearing the name of the late politician Ludy Pudluk left port in St. John’s, making its maiden...

The Southern Ocean is far from major population centers but has emerged as a major player in the global climate system by absorbing vast amounts of...

With a new generation of floats that can reach the bottom of the sea, scientists could soon close the global ocean’s heat budget. With more than...

The surface ocean has absorbed roughly a quarter of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from human activities (McKinley et al., 2016;...

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